Lead Ambassadors
The Lead Ambassador is your main anchor for Africa Code Week event orchestration, questions and support in your country. Feel free to reach out to them on social to get started on hosting your own coding workshops or simply get introduced to other interested schools / organizations. They are here to help you engage as many children and youth as possible in your community!
IT Director of Afrimalin since July 2018, Alpha has been incubated into the Jokkolabs Dakar offices by Société Générale. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science as well as an MBA.
Ingénieur en chef, Mohammed compte plus de 24 ans d'expérience dans l'administration centrale et 16 ans à la direction du système d'information du Ministère de l'Education nationale de la formation professionnelle, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique.
Lauréat de l'Ecole nationale supérieure d'informatique et d'analyse des systèmes d'information à Rabat, Maroc, il a débuté sa carrière en tant qu'ingénieur analyste et développeur de systèmes d'information.
Cela fait environ 8 ans qu'il dirige le service d'Acquisition des ressources numériques et de veille au niveau du Laboratoire national des ressources numériques sous la direction du programme GENIE.
With more than 11 years experience working in the Tech industry, Milton has had the chance to lead a team of UI/UX Design experts as part of national-level projects for online citizen service delivery.
During the last 2 years, he has been involved in most initiatives that promote the tech innovation ecosystem for startups, advising a Government initiative labeled Cabo Verde Digital on the implementation of a country strategic plan to promote digital Transformation and tech entrepreneurship.
Actively engaged in regional (West Africa), continental and global communities (NRI, WAIGF, ISOC, YCIG), Milton was recently appointed Career Accelerator by the Global Startup Ecosystem, Ambassador of the Virtual Island Summit 2020 and SAP Africa Code Week Ambassadors 2020.
Milton holds a degree in Systems Engineering and Computer Science and a bachelor in Computer Science and Management from University Jean Piaget in Cabo Verde.
A self-taught frontend developer with over 7 years’ experience, Wesley currently works as IT Technician and Computer Teacher at Loreto Rumbek in South Sudan.
He is passionate about teaching computer and programming skills with a thing for Web Development. During his free time, he makes YouTube videos/tutorials on web design and development.
Over the years he has helped young graduates hone digital skills right in time for university - many were even inspired to embrace an IT university and career journey.
Monkgogi, a.k.a. "The Scratch Lady" or "Monk", knows that the most precious gems of Botswana are young people in their respective communities. Hence her passionate quest to empower them with digital skills.
On a mission to spread coding clubs across Botswana with a strong focus on rural areas, Monk has been involved with Africa Code Week since 2016, first as a volunteer and then as a Lead Project Manager. Formely General Manager for Ngwana Enterprises, which led her to starting and running seven coding clubs in Francistown, Monk is also a former accountant and self-taught graphic designer.
Cheick Omar is the Local Lead of Jokkolabs Ouagadougou, a tech hub providing coworking spaces and empowering local tech, innovation and entrepreneurial communities. He is also involved in several events as coach and mentor in new media.
No better than his own words to describe this IT security expert: Cheick Omar describes himself as a “tech and InfoSec enthusiast, digital nomad, social geek and global netizen!”