Lead Ambassadors

The Lead Ambassador is your main anchor for Africa Code Week event orchestration, questions and support in your country. Feel free to reach out to them on social to get started on hosting your own coding workshops or simply get introduced to other interested schools / organizations. They are here to help you engage as many children and youth as possible in your community!

Dorsaf Benna Chelly
  • Dorsaf Benna Chelly
  • ACW Ambassador in
  • Lybia

General Inspector at the Tunisian Ministry of Education, Dorsaf leads the ITA organization and several national projects in Education, computational thinking and entrepreneurship. She is the national focal point for “Evaluation soft skills” and an ambassador of the Africa Energy Generation Prize.

Over the past few years, Dorsaf has been striving to popularize computational thinking and enable young people to acquire coding skills, which have become so important through the Bebras, IOI, IIOT and robotics competitions.